Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.

UPDATE: Jim Ogonowski has officially withdrawn from the Senate race against John Kerry. Once again, all together: Haw-haw!
Roads? Where we’re going, we don’t need roads.
UPDATE: Jim Ogonowski has officially withdrawn from the Senate race against John Kerry. Once again, all together: Haw-haw!
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I’m very sure this seat will flip in November so Tuesday’s primary is for all the marbles. I am praying for a miraculous Byrne victory.
Gee, what a nice day it is outside today………
Wow. The comments section got REALLY ugly. Wow.
Steve Sarvi seems great. I’d like to see another poll. But definitely think it’s worth throwing the guy a few bucks on ActBlue.
But speaking of roads, the New York Times has an article on the fight surrounding the Juneau Access Road.
Tim Cunha is getting the ball rolling down in Ocala, FL. He’s got some good pieces up at and on Facebook,… .
Since I got the internship with Mayor Debbie Cook of Huntington Beach, its become an important race for me. A long shot, but not impossible.
I’m pulling for Chellie Pingree and Leslie Byrne. Byrne is one of the two candidates I’ve felt compelled to contribute to this cycle (the other being Mark Warner); I really hope she wins the primary.
Given the situation in NY, I’d love to hear more about the New York State Senate and the push to gain one more seat to take the majority away from the GOP and put it in Democratic hands. This would then put the Governor, State Assembly, and State Senate in control of the Democrats (and I know NY would then be the first state to pass a Marriage Equality bill in the legislature and have it signed by the Governor without any judiciary intervention).
I kinda agree with front pagers, what kind of candidate for federal office doesn’t know what the red to blue program is and just trashes our campaign.
She seems to rail against the insiders in Washington not wanting to help her.
But Van Hollen’s record so far as DCCC chairmen has been nothing but a grass roots inspiration. He simply knows not to waste money on a race that’s impossible win.
The guy has been spot on with his analysis of races and has hit on pretty much every vulnerable district so far (save that Ohio 5th thing early on) which was an uphill battle to begin with.
I examined her campaign a bit while I was doing some research on congressional districts. It was mediocre at best and way to far to the left of her district. Look at the races we won in. All are good fits for their district. (take LA-06 a pro-gun, pro lifer) You can’t run Russ Feingold in Lousiana. After reading Dr.Reed’s writings she most certainly is not a fit for a R+18 district.
These are the people who run Daily Kos and are a major major part of the Democratic Party now and have a right to defend their party when someone is knocking it.
However, I think your right, they should have left her alone and let her vent and just ignored her.
She is a valiant person to run in a district so blood red and to put such funds of someone own personal money. (15k is a lot if your not a millionaire) Is worthy of the respect to ignore her when she rails against the party a little bit.
In my opinion the DCCC was correct in its decision, but any person willing to sink that much money into a campaign deserves the respect of being left alone to vent a little with their supporters. But its Kos’ website he has the right to do what ever the hell he wants on it.
The DFL endorsement is today. I’m hoping for Jack Nelson-Pallmeyer to win, but Franken should win it today after a few votes. You guys should go over to senateguru and read my diary over there (i’ll cross post it when i get back from work around 5). It’s a good update on a whole shit storm brewing over Franken. He is in serious trouble and Ciresi will probably jump back into the race after the endorsement and take him to a costly primary that isn’t until September.
But I feel as long as the primary isn’t really ugly and divisive (it could get that way), we’ll still be able to pull it out (well is Ciresi wins the primary anyway). The money drain hurts but the DSCC will come in, Ciresi will be able to fundraise like mad and he can self-fund a bit as well.
Is there even any point live blogging the results for this? The winner is pretty much predetermined?
why don’t we have a serious challenger for an open seat in a R+4 district?
our top democrat raised 15k so far. This is fucking pathetic this should be a good pickup possibility.
and after reading the two democrats on open secrets they seem mediocre at best.
Why is this?
The Veepstakes! And though I know we try to concentrate on non-presidential races (which is why this has been my favorite site for quite some time!), I’ve been very curious as to who y’all thought would announce a running mate first – McCain or Obama? What are the advantages of announcing first and what’re the disadvantages? I’ve really been wanting to read other people’s opinions on this and thought an open thread would be an okay place to ask. Also, will the conventional timelines of late July (or whatever the norm is) be adhered to, or will one of the nominees announce a running mate before Independence Day? Thanks!
I neglected to recall that due to Bruno being both the Majority Leader and Acting Lt. Governor, that even a 31-31 State Senate would remain in Republican control at least until 2010 during the next Governor/Lt. Governor election.
This would be another reason to put some blame on Spitzer if for some reason Democrats only gain 1 seat in the 2008 election in the State Senate.
Now that Warner has won the primary, we can finally completely focus on “Retire Dreier”!
It appears there are quite a few NY Senate districts where there are favorable races for a Democratic take-over. Given some of those districts having significant Democratic margins in terms of voter registration and the national climate, 2008 is the year for Democrats to ascend to the Majority in the NY State Senate (for the first time since the GOP took over in 1965).
he would have announced after obama got the nom. steal the spotlight and make the cycle about him, instead of obama.
Please, no! The guy is way too conservative to carry the banner for our party! He’s great for Virginia, but, come on! Do we want more Clinton-style triangulation and selling out to the DLC wing? No way! I know the blogosphere loves Warner, largely because of his ability to win. But what fits Virginia isn’t necessarily what we should be looking for in terms of the country. So, yes, a VA Senate seat is worth more than having another non-progressive in the White House.